Friday, April 08, 2005

Outsourcing to Pakistan saves millions

by Pakistan Link

"Outsourcing to Pakistan was my best business decision" says Mr. LED, "Pervaiz Lodhie", President and CEO, LEDtronics Inc. Los Angeles.

Because of outsourcing of Call Center and BPO support to NBA Computers and manufacturing support to Shaan Technologies Karachi Pakistan, LEDtronics was able improve its revenues from dead untapped leads by more than $2 million dollars and managed to not only survive but grow in a recession economy.

Mr. Pervaiz Lodhie congratulated the Pakistani NBA Team of experts, Mr. Babar and Mr. Nasser Jhumra, for achieving high standards of excellence in the on-going services being provided to LEDtronics, Inc. from Pakistan.


At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to be in the industry to know how things really work!! Anyone can criticize or make discouraging comments BUT ask the people in the field who are successful!! its a difference story altogether. Secondly, no one looks for an American accent, they just want good English speaking skills. Way to go NBA...make Pakistan Proud!!


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